Live Multi-Instrumental Improvisation

Musik ohne Regeln, in welcher alle Regeln erlaubt sind.

«an unleashed unifying musical experience»

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unleashed unifying musical experiences

Un unrestrained, powerful convergence or integration of various musical elements, creating a sense of cohesion, harmony, or unity. This concept embodies the idea of breaking free from limitations and allowing diverse musical components, such as genres, styles, rhythms, or cultural influences, to come together in a dynamic, unrestrained manner. It suggests a forceful and impactful merging of these elements, resulting in an intensified and cohesive musical expression that unifies disparate elements into a seamless whole, possibly leading to innovative, bold, and emotionally charged musical compositions or performances.

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unbound combinding musical experiences

An unrestricted merging of various musical styles, genres, or influences without limitations. It involves creating compositions or performances that transcend traditional boundaries, allowing for the fusion of diverse elements like rhythms, melodies, instruments, and cultural influences. This approach often leads to innovative, unique, and experimental musical expressions that break away from conventional norms and definitions.

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independent relating musical experiences

Involving the autonomy and individuality of musical encounters. It refers to the personal connections, emotions, or interpretations that listeners establish with music, regardless of mainstream trends or external influences. This concept emphasizes the subjective nature of musical experiences, where individuals form distinct, personal relationships with music, finding meaning, relevance, or significance based on their unique perspectives, memories, and emotions. It acknowledges the independence of each person's musical journey and how they relate to the art form on their terms.

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exempted binding musical experiences

A liberation and exemption from conventional or restrictive musical norms, allowing for a more fluid and liberated approach to creating or experiencing music. This could involve breaking away from traditional rules, genres, or structures, freeing the music from being confined or bound by specific expectations. It opens up possibilities for artists to experiment, fuse various elements, and explore uncharted territories, leading to innovative and boundary-pushing musical expressions that defy categorization or limitations.

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Stefan Beat Gisler

«Die Musik spielt das Konzert, während ich mitspielend den Klängen lausche die gerade erwachen.«

«Geben sie mir ein Instrument und ich lasse die Musik für sie spielen.»

«Was und wie ich spiele entscheidet das Universum vorzu, während dem Konzert.«

«Rachmaninov meets Schoenberg with lashings of Zappa and Tosin Abasi»

“Wie ein sanfter Wind, der anschwillt zum Sturm. Mit allen bewegenden, besänftigenden, zur Ruhe kommen lassenden, leichten, meditativen, aufwirbelnden, schweren und zerstörerischen Facetten.”

«Du bist der Beste, weisst Du es nicht?» (Feedback auf eines meiner iPad Performances)

«Wenn man so Klavier spielen kann, muss man in einem früheren Leben schon Pianist gewesen sein.»

«Das war ganz einfach richtige Kunst, unglaublich.»

«Ich war gerade auf einer wunderschönen Reise in den Bergen»

«Das Universum hat zu mir gesprochen.» (Privatkonzert)

The Audience